Jenna's Future (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 3) Page 3
“Hi, hun. I wanted to call and make sure you were okay. I know the funeral was earlier.”
“Yeah, I’m fine…I guess under the circumstances. They want me to box up any of Kim’s things and ship it to them. In fact, they were mad at me for not bringing it with me…or more like instead of me.”
“I’m sorry, babe. Did you see anyone that you haven’t seen in a while?” She didn’t want to say I told you so, but that’s what ran through her mind.
“There were a few relatives and old friends of the family. Of course, no one knows about us or our engagement. I didn’t think it was the right time to tell mom and dad.”
“Are you glad you went?”
A few seconds of silence passed and Kris thought she heard Jenna sniffle.
“I don’t know. I hated leaving you, but at the same time this was my only opportunity to say my final goodbye.”
“I understand.”
“I also wanted to get out of town. It was nice being around people who either didn’t know the full story or at least chose not to talk about it.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have no idea about the stares I get and the way people talk about me behind my back because of Kim. At least here, they don’t see it like that.”
“I had no idea because you don’t tell me anything. You have to tell me when something is bothering you.”
“I don’t know how to discuss things like that with you. You were involved in the…incident. It kind of puts me in a difficult position. Here, it’s not like that. They talk about the way Kim was before the kidnapping and how much they will miss her now. It’s like…I don’t know…it’s like the bad side of her never existed.”
“That’s because it’s not the truth. Your life here is the reality. You’re trying to live out a fantasy, but the truth about fantasies is they aren’t real. When are you coming back?”
Kris heard Jenna sigh into the phone. She waited for her answer. They did not discuss when Jenna would return before she left. Instead they argued about whether she should go in the first place.
Kris spoke after not getting a response. “Do you even miss me? None of that other stuff should matter. I’m here and that should be enough of a reason for you to come home.”
“Of course, I miss you. I love you. I proposed didn’t I?”
“Yes, but only after I forced you into it because I heard what you said before taking me to surgery. How do I know you really meant it when you proposed? Maybe you got caught up in the adrenaline rush and fear you felt.”
“How could you say something like that? How could you question my love? Are you trying to hurt me on purpose? Is this an attempt to push me away?”
It was Kris’s turn to be silent. She couldn’t believe those words had just come out of her mouth. Sure, she had thought about those things, but she had just said them out loud. Once again, she questioned where their relationship was heading.
“I’m sorry, Jenna. I didn’t mean to say those things.”
“Well, you did say it, which means you’ve been thinking about it. Looks like I’m not the only one holding things back, huh?”
“Let’s not do this right now over the phone like this.”
“Do what exactly?”
“Argue. Say things we don’t mean. I just wanted to check up on you.”
“Fine. I need to go,” Jenna said.
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The phone clicked and Kris stared down at the Call Ended that flashed on her screen. As the screen faded to black, she wondered how much they both meant it when they said I love you.
Jenna slipped into comfortable clothes and settled down on the bed with the remote hoping to find something on TV that was more depressing than her life right now. She began flipping through the channels, but couldn’t find anything that interested her. She flicked the television off and tossed the remote down on the night stand.
She had lied to Kris to end the conversation before one of them said something to damage their relationship more than it already was. When she left New England, she felt guilty for leaving. Guilty for leaving Kris behind, but told herself it was okay because Evelyn was there. Guilty for caring enough about the person who shot Kris to still want to attend the funeral. She didn’t feel guilty about having second thoughts about the wedding because the wedding seemed so distant in her mind. Kim was at the surface of her thoughts. Not her family, not her career, and not her future with Kris.
Sirens traveling past her hotel caught her attention and caused her heart to race out of instinct. Sirens to her represented a possible patient, a possible surgery, a possible challenge. The ambulance’s red flashing lights lingered a few seconds as she reached the window, but they faded fast as it rushed past the traffic and turned the corner. Thinking about Kris used to give her that same rush, that same thrill making her pulse quicken. When she thought about Kris now, it was different. Not that she didn’t love her any more, but it was hard to forget Kris was the reason she was alone in this hotel room. It wasn’t blame or maybe it was, she didn’t know. Confusion about how to feel was more like it.
Kris did what she had to do to protect herself. Jenna knew that. She didn’t want to place all the burden on Kim either, which lead her back to Kim’s kidnappers. She was back to blaming herself. If she had been able to stop Kim’s abduction, none of this would have ever happened. She didn’t want to have that discussion with Kris. Maybe she would call Danni when she got back. She needed to confide in someone.
She picked up her phone and flipped through until she found her favorite picture of Kris. It was one she had taken before they started dating. It was during that time when she had first fallen for Kris, before everything got complicated. When she would get discouraged about work or anything in her life, that was the picture she would look at. Staring at it had always reminded her of what she was fighting for. Looking at it now still made her heart flutter, but was it an involuntary response like the sirens or was it real?
She didn’t have much time to think about it before the phone rang in her hands. Kris’s picture disappeared and the call screen flashed with the incoming phone number and Amelia Davies’ name above it. Her jaw clenched and her thumb hovered over the Decline option, but she chose Accept instead.
“Hello?” Jenna said. She wondered what made her answer the call knowing how much Amelia made her skin crawl.
“Hello, Jenna. This is Amelia Davies.”
“Hello, Amelia.”
“My mother read about what happened in the newspaper. I wanted to call earlier, but didn’t want to upset you. I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”
“No, but thank you for offering. That’s very kind of you.”
“It’s the least I can do after what you did saving my mother last year. How are you?”
Jenna didn’t say anything. She was still surprised Amelia had called and even more shocked that she had answered.
“I’m sorry,” Amelia said. “That was a stupid question to ask. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. The paper only told part of the story, and I know from personal experience not to believe everything you read.”
“Unfortunately, in this case it was all true. To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it all. I guess the best way to put it is that I feel numb. I’m not close with my family, and I can’t talk to Kris about everything that’s going through my mind.”
“You’ve been through a lot and you’re stressed. This is not the type of situation that most would classify as normal. You need someone to talk to.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Tell you what, why don’t I come see you and you can talk to me? I can be objective and I’m a really good listener.”
“I’m not at home right now. I’m visiting family.”
“Okay then, where are you? I have my own jet, so I can be anywhere within a few hours.”
Jenna looked down at the time
on the alarm clock. It was already past nine o’clock. Something in her gut told her to thank Amelia and politely turn her down, but instead she took a deep breath and gave her the address for the hotel. As soon as the words left her mouth, she fell backwards onto the bed and rubbed her temples with her free hand. What have I done?
“I’ll check with the pilot so he can schedule the flight. I’ll hop on the plane tonight and meet you for breakfast tomorrow morning. How does that sound?”
“You don’t have to do this, Amelia.”
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. At least let me apologize for the way I acted last time. Trust me, I still remember what you said to me, and I would rather keep my fingers.” Amelia chuckled into the phone.
Jenna smiled thinking about the threat she had made. “Okay then.”
“I’ll send you a text when I know the details. Go get some sleep, and I’ll help you sort through this tomorrow.”
When the call ended, Kris’s picture returned on her phone. Jenna took one last look at it before shutting the phone off and putting it down on the night stand to charge. She knew Kris wouldn’t like her meeting with Amelia, especially the way Amelia had flirted with her last year, so why did she agree to meet her? What had she done?
Jenna checked her phone the next morning and found a few texts from Amelia. She sent Amelia a quick text agreeing to meet her at eight for breakfast downtown. For a brief few seconds, her finger hovered over Kris’s quick dial picture. She debated whether she should let her know she was meeting Amelia. Right before her finger touched the screen, she decided against it. They didn’t end their last call on good terms, so why add fuel to the flame? Instead she decided to go on a quick run before breakfast.
On her way back from her run walking through the lobby, she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Amelia.
“Good morning, Amelia. Did you get my text?”
“Yes, I did. The place I had chosen closed two years ago. I thought I would show up a little earlier, and we could decide on another place together.”
“Well, I just finished a run.”
Amelia smiled. “I can see that. Your outfit kind of gave that secret away.”
Jenna swallowed and flashed an awkward smile. “I still have to shower.”
“No problem. I can come up with you…or I could wait here. I didn’t mean to impose.”
“No, no. You can come up if you don’t mind waiting.”
“I have all the time in the world. I told you I’m here for you.”
Jenna nodded and Amelia followed in behind her. She pushed the button to summon the elevator and caught Amelia’s reflection in the polished elevator doors. Amelia was behind her, but off to the side a little. She could appreciate what others saw in Amelia. Her outfit was more conservative than what she wore when she first met her. It was conservative and classy, but still sexy enough to catch anyone’s eye. She had jeans and a white shirt unbuttoned down to her cleavage. A modest amount of her bra showed whenever she pushed her dark hair back behind her ear. She could see the outline of her full lips painted a dark red.
“You’re going to face me when we have breakfast, right? Or did you plan on turning your back on me the entire time?”
Jenna wiped her forehead with the back of her arm and turned around. “Sorry, I look like a mess right now. I was trying to spare you.”
“Well, if this is what you call a mess, I can’t imagine what you look like on your best day.” Amelia lowered her eyes. “Sorry, that didn’t come out the way I meant it to.”
The elevator chimed and the doors opened. Jenna stepped to the side as a group of people exited. She stepped inside and held the button to make sure the doors didn’t close on Amelia. They were the only two on the elevator and suddenly she felt there was trouble on the horizon. Breakfast was one thing, but inviting her up to her room to wait while she showered? What was I thinking?
Amelia crossed her arms and leaned back against the opposite wall. Jenna could tell she was trying hard not to look at her. Maybe she wasn’t the only one who thought this was a bad idea.
“I really appreciate you coming, but you didn’t have to.”
“Are we going to have this conversation again? I’m here now, and I want to be here. You have to talk to someone. I know all about that small town up north you escaped from. Believe me, I know how fast gossip spreads like wild fire up there.”
Jenna relaxed a little and watched the numbers tick off one by one. “I imagine you would know all about the rumor mill there.”
“Yeah, well, apparently they knew I was a lesbian before I did.”
“No, you’re kidding?”
Amelia shook her head. “I don’t remember who said what or how it got started, but there were speculations. Guess they were happy when they finally found out they were right all along.”
The elevator doors opened and Jenna led Amelia to the end of the hall to her room. Once inside, Amelia sat down on the couch while Jenna moved around the room collecting things and moving things around. Her bra from the night before was hanging off the edge of the dresser. The clothes she had slept in were in a pile on the bed. She heard Amelia chuckle.
“As you can tell, I wasn’t expecting to have any company.”
“Don’t mind me. You should see my room, and I’ve only been in town a few hours.”
Jenna gathered up her outfit and kicked her shoes off pushing them into the closet. “It’ll only take me a few minutes to get ready.”
“I told you, it’s no problem. We’re not on a schedule. Take your time.” Amelia held up her cell phone. “As long as I’ve got this little baby to keep me content, I’m happy.”
Jenna closed the bathroom door and leaned her forehead against it. Her mind screamed at her that this entire situation was wrong. Telling Amelia where she was, letting her come up to her room while she showered, and most importantly not telling Kris about any of it from the beginning. It was too late now. She slipped out of her clothes and turned the shower on to let the water heat up. She tiptoed back to the door and locked it hoping the click it made was not obvious.
After the shower, she dried herself off and used the towel to wipe the steam from the mirror. Her reflection looked distorted and blurry as the wet steam rolled down the mirror. She moved closer and used her hand to wipe away more of the moisture. Looking at herself, she tried to figure out why she was back in her hometown, why she had left Kris, and why Amelia was waiting for her on the other side of the door. She also wondered how all this would affect their engagement.
She sighed and slipped into her panties and bra. She would have to ponder those questions later because right now she had Amelia to deal with. At least Amelia wasn’t flirting with her so far, so she was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. After she had zipped up and buttoned her jeans, she realized she didn’t have a shirt. Panic raced through her as she looked around the bathroom as if the shirt would magically appear. The image of kicking her shoes into the closet flashed in her mind, and she remembered she was supposed to grab a shirt from the closet, but she didn’t. You’ve got to be kidding me.
She reached for her towel to wrap around her, but it was soaked from her drying off and from wiping the steam on the mirror. Unless she ripped the curtains off the window, she had no other choice but to open the door and act casual.
The lock on the door seemed even louder this time as she unlocked it, and she cursed under her breath. She opened the door and found Amelia still on the couch. Amelia looked up as Jenna was only a few feet away from the closet, but then Amelia stood up.
“Your phone has been ringing constantly since you left, but I didn’t want to disturb you.” She picked up Jenna’s phone from the table beside the couch and handed it to her.
Jenna forgot about the shirt and looked down at her phone to find Kris had called twice, Allie had called once, and Danni had called after that. Her heart raced hoping there had not been an emergency. Her phone buzzed in
her hand and she received a text from Kris asking her if she would be home by the weekend. She fired off a quick text back telling Kris she would call her tonight and then threw the phone down on the bed.
“Is everything okay?” Amelia asked.
Jenna had forgotten about Amelia and wasn’t aware she was standing in front of her. “Yes, just everyone checking in at the same time it seems.”
“Good. I’m glad it was nothing serious. You must have a lot of people concerned about you the way they were blowing your phone up with calls.”
“Yeah, they’re concerned…I’m just not sure they want to hear what I’m thinking.”
Amelia nudged her under her ribs. “Well, that’s what I’m here for. Consider me your personal sounding board.”
“Are you going to finish getting dressed?” Amelia looked down to Jenna’s waist and back up. “I’m not complaining, though I might find it a bit distracting.”
Jenna covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I was on my way to the closet for a shirt.”
“Don’t apologize for my benefit.”
She stepped around Amelia and reached into the closet pulling out the shirt she intended to wear. She slipped her arms into the sleeves and buttoned it up. Amelia’s gaze didn’t go unnoticed. She could feel it upon her as she buttoned each button. Guess the old Amelia is still around.
“So, do you have any suggestions about where to get breakfast?” Amelia asked. She sat down and slid her tablet back into her bag.
“I know of a place just outside of the city. It’s where the locals go for breakfast and lunch. They have the best pancakes and sugar maple cured bacon.”
“Sounds delicious. My stomach is growling already.”
“Just give me a few minutes to finish getting ready.”
Amelia leaned forward with her forearms on her knees clasping her hands together. “You mean this isn’t you being ready?”
Jenna laughed and shook her head. “No, but thank you for the compliment.”
As they left the hotel paparazzi were waiting outside the hotel exit. Before Jenna realized what was happening, three camera guys fired off shots of her and Amelia. Amelia grabbed her hand and led her to an SUV with tinted windows parked around the corner.